Fitness Journal: Thursday morning run

I didn’t make myself run last night, but I was planning on running this morning anyway. I’m leaving on a road trip later this afternoon, and I’ll need all the pumped-up-ness I can get. I’m really proud of myself for actually getting up and doing this.

That said, I was Really Not Excited about running this morning. It took me a while to a) get out of bed and b) get out the door. But I did it! I need to go back to my ‘no phone/internet before starting the day/going to work’ rule.

I’m still at ~2 runs per week, so my goal for this upcoming trip/week is to do 3 runs this week.

Today’s stats:
Distance: 1.9 mi
Speed: 14:15 min/mi
Animals: several dogs on leashes in the distance

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