Fitness Journal: Wednesday Evening walk

Cooler, but maaaasively humid out tonight. I took a slightly different route, and was slightly earlier. Lots of people out playing pokemon, but I was on a walking mission and didn’t stop to chat.

Distance: 2.3 mi
Speed: 19:55 min/mi
Cats: none
Pokestops: My bag was full the entire time :(
Pokemon caught: My app isnt cooperating. 1 new kind, probably ~6 total?

The good new is, if I set my ‘pace’ a little faster starting out, I pretty much stick to it automatically without really thinking about it.

Fitness Journal: Thursday evening walk

I took an incredibly leisurely walk this evening. I was very close to skipping it, since I’m still feeling crappy in the tum tum region. I took a bit of a different route, around a local park, and it was super nice. Still hot as heck, even this late, and there were a T O N of people out poke-hunting near some of the pokestops in the park. And now I’m going to take my sweat and my unhappy tum to shower and to bed.

Distance: 2.13 mi
Speed: 23.14min/mi
Cats: 0 :(
Pokestops: 4 (I passed many more, but my ‘bag’ is ‘full’)
Pokemon caught: 10 (3 of 1 new kind!)

Fitness Journal: Tuesday evening walk

I was a bit ill today, and disinclined to do anything, but right before bed, I got it into my head that I should at least go for a walk. A quick 10 min walk around the block turned into a much longer extravaganza. And since it is still hella hot at 11pm, I need to go clean up before I try to go to bed.

Distance: 2.03 mi
Speed: 22:54 min/mi
Cats: 1, hiding in bushes, scared
Pokestops visited: 14
Pokemon caught: 4
Strangers interacted with: 2, also playing pokemon :)

Fitness Journal: Thursday evening walk

I am way more out of shape than I thought and it is too damn hot, even at 10pm, so I punked out on running. Instead, I went for a nice long walk. Stats are a bit off because I forgot to turn off runkeeper for a few mins. Also, I think there is a glitch somewhere, because that’s really close to my run pace from last week, and that seems fishy? Or maybe I’m just really really slow.

Distance: 4.41 mi
Speed: 15:47 min/mi

Basic Beef Stroganoff

I’ve been collecting random non-cooking blog recipes. Mostly because I need a bunch of easier/quicker/cheaper recipes than are the usual cooking blog fare.

A blogger I followed posted a Beef Stroganoff recipe that looked pretty doable. It’s no high cuisine, but it’s pretty easy and pretty fast. I will definitely make this again.

I used an entire 16 oz of mushrooms, which gave me a bit of trouble when it came time to brown the beef. Next time, I need to pull some of the mushrooms out, I think. Or get a bigger pan. (probably not actually get a bigger pan)

For me, it’s turning out to be ~3 or 4 servings, when dumped over some pasta.

Servings: ~3-4
Time to cook: ~1 hr (I let the mushrooms cook down quite a lot before adding the beef, and waited till the beef started browning, not just cooked.)
Rating: 3/5
Would make again? yes

Fitness Journal: C25K day 1

I have fallen off every single fitness wagon there is to fall off of. In my defense, I made had several major life changes that were kind of stressful??? Anyway, I’m starting the Couch to 5k training again (using this app, free version and older version) and tracking my runs with Runkeeper still (also entirely free).

I am definitely feeling out of shape (though less badly that I expected tbh), and my leg with the wonky ankle was not best pleased, but nothing terrible. I need to make some time the next few weeks to do my physical therapy exercises for ankle stabilization.

On the upside, I met a great dark grey cat who lives in my neighborhood, and we made great eye contact as I jogged past.

Run stats:
Distance: 2.08 mi
Speed: 15:33 min/mi
Cats: 2
Dogs: 2
Number of Times I wanted to Die: 2
Plants I wanted to steal cuttings from: 3